Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Are Life, People and Circumstances Stealing Your Dream

Good Morning!
It's Wednesday and what many consider hump day or
the middle of the week that is a day closer to the weekend.

Seems a good day to stop & reflect.
Are there people in your life, clients, or circumstances that tend to steal your time...your dreams?

For me sometimes family and friends figure since I'm self-employed I have all the time in the world to run errands for them or perform tasks they need to schedule.

Because I love and care for others lots 
it can be hard to say 'no'

Also living 'self-employed' and living the 'online lifestyle' does afford me freedom to do more with friends, family and grandkids. For this I am very thankful.
But I do have to do some work on a daily basis and lately it's been a bit extra that needs completed. 

 I'm keeping this simple. 

-Take out a peace of paper
-Write down areas your losing your time
-Below each area, brainstorm ways to take back your time. 

Is it saying, 'no', asking a friend or family member schedule a time that works for you to help, etc.
(I'd love to hear what you come up with)

-Now start implementing one or more of the ways you have brainstormed about. Let's make a beginning to 
turn things around.

#dreams #people #circumstances #onlineLifestyle #SelfEmployed #freedom #grattitude


  1. So true Cindy, ��

  2. Great simple but very effective cindy. Yeah I know this so well and so may people forget self employment can sometimes more require hours especially in the early years
