Sunday, November 5, 2017

Be a Bit Selfless

Be a Bit Selfless 

I tell folks a lot to focus on their hopes & dreams. 

I'm reminded how we are rewarded so much to give to others.
Not so we can manipulate them or control them but rather truly give of ourselves.
There are enough manipulators in the world around us.
How about we be a breath of fresh air and freedom!

I dare you today, to let go of busyness that =
escape from investing truly in other's lives. Carve out some time purposely somewhere in your weekend.

I caution you, don't do it to be  seen. It may fail miserably this time!
Beware for those who are non-pretenders and sincere, You will be rewarded richly!

Now go be a blessing.

#BeABlessing #Sincerity #Fakery #InvestinOthers #rewards

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