Do you have concerns about protecting your images online? I don't always need to do so but want to on occasion.,.
It's kind of difficult to do. When someone views a webpage the web browser is downloading a copy of all the content of the page to the computer. So even if you go to great lengths to prevent them from taking an image from the website, the reality is they already have that image on their computer in the temporary internet files. On top of that, anyone can take a screenshot when viewing a website and get the image that way.What you can do is make it more difficult for the average internet user to take the image.
One way to make it quite tough for someone to swipe your images is to Shrink Wrap Images: This is the technique of putting a transparent image on top of the image you are protecting so they cannot drag it or right click save since it will save the invisible transparent "shrink wrap" that is on top. You can do it easily without code by adding a border over the image since borders have a transparent center and are essentially like a picture frame with glass.😁
You can also add a watermark on your images. There is software out there if people know how to use it that can remove watermarks but it's still a deterrent for the average user.
There are free websites online to add watermarks such as or you could use just about any image editing software to add a watermark to images.
One other way is Resize before uploading: Images on your site If you are uploading high resolution images, it will slow down page loads. If you resize the images to a lower resolution, you can still have a good looking image that isn't as useful to the person that does manage to steal it.
I hope this is helpful for you.
P.S. this won't work on facebook obviously.
#images #protectImages #noTheft
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